Technical development of recovery unit
The principle of technology in the technical development
is the same as our proprietary technology named "MK Blow By-pass System".
It has been used for the long time for the LPG-cylinder filling facility in
an effort to recover the propane inevitably discharged outside in the filling work.
The most effort in the technical development program was at miniaturizing
as well as simplifying the unit to be put on a chassis of limited space.
The manufacturing of such bobtail along with the process optimization of the
recovery unit has been undertaken by some prestigious rolling stock manufacturing company in Japan.
Fig.1 shows the simplified process diagram sheet of unloading of LPG and the recovery of trapped propane.
Flow sheet of unloading of LPG and recovery of trapped propane
The recovery unit consists of the four sections, i.e., LPG
unloading pump section, propane gas compressor section,
section of surge drum for recovered propane and liquid / gas hose section.
(Refer to photos)
Surge drum section for recovered propane |
Section of reels of liquid/gas propane hoses |
LPG unloading pump section |
Propane gas compressor section |
Safety device and switch for emergency stop
We obtained the US patent concerning such technology very recently.
The patent number and date of patent is US 6,889,728 B2 and May 20, 2005, respectively.
We are applying the related patent in the US as well. |